Buy a Business

Buying a business is a big decision that can impact your career and life, so you must make the right choice. As a buyer, you should envision yourself in the business you plan to buy.

Menlo Business Brokerage only represents sellers and does not engage in dual representation. Buyers should be cautious of brokers who claim to represent both parties at once, as it can create conflicts for the buyer and seller. Our goal is to facilitate smooth transactions and long-term success for both parties involved.

For listings that we do not represent, we offer third-party business appraisals. Our three experienced Certified Valuation Analysts provide reliable and comprehensive valuations nationwide.

At Menlo, business is always personal. Business success comes from people, service, and community, and we uphold these principles as we assist in business sales. More than 90 percent of Menlo's clients are referred to us by satisfied clients who recommend our services to their peers. Our reputation grants us access to listings, sellers, and buyers that other firms cannot match. When you choose Menlo, you have the utmost confidence in your buying decision.